This coming Monday, August 12, is Middle Child's Day. What's that? You didn't know August 12 was Middle Child's Day? You didn't even know there
was a Middle Child's Day?? Of course you didn't, and that's the point. It's like we were given a holiday just so everyone could ignore it! Typical Middle Child treatment. It's truly the forgotten Middle Child of holidays, but we can change all that.

On August 12th, (that's Middle Child's Day -- did you forget already?) change your Facebook profile pic for the day to a Middle Child you know and love. Or can't stand. It doesn't matter. It can be someone famous, like Bill Gates or Abraham Lincoln. Or maybe a little infamous, like Britney or Joaquin Phoenix. Or maybe someone who wasn't really a Middle Child at all, but just
played a Middle Child on TV, like Malcom or Lady Edith. And of course, Jan Brady. They don't even have to be a real human, like Chris Griffin. In fact, They don't have to be a human at all, like the Chipmunk's Simon Seville. Your choice. It's just a simple way of telling the Middle Children in your life, "Okay, I will acknowledge you exist for just one day."
I didn't know about the Middle Child's International Day until yesterday. I saw a post from a friend celebrating her middle son. I decided to celebrate today with my daughter who's also a middle child like me. I have made it a full time job out of making sure my middle daughter doesn't feel invisible and give her the special place she deserves in our family. I would never want for her to feel the same as I did and still do in my family... COMPLETELY INVISIBLE!!!