Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Middle Child Masterpiece Theater Names New Inductees

          The hallowed halls of Middle Child Masterpiece Theater are getting more crowded. With the addition of our newest inductees, the total number of members that have been bestowed this prestigious honor is now 22! You can see them all at the SmackDab Channel on Youtube, or celebrate Middle Child's Day with all your favorite TV and movie Middle Children ALL DAY LONG -- binge the NEW Middle Child Masterpiece Theater Marathon super cut!!
(Played by Molly Ringwald in “Sixteen Candles”/1984)
The premise of John Hughes’ teen angst classic is pure Middle Child. It’s Sam’s 16th birthday, but her family is so consumed with her older sister’s wedding the next day, everyone has completely forgotten her birthday! It doesn’t get any more Middle Child than that.

(Played by Henry Thomas in “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial”/1982)
A lonely ten year old longing for friendship forms a psychic connection with a big eyed, long necked, Reese’s Pieces loving alien. Of course the kid’s a Middle Child! While not the title character, maybe Elliot can lay claim to top billing since his initials are also E.T? Can’t blame a MidKid for trying.


(Played by Laura Carmichael in “Downton Abbey”/2010-15)

She’s been called everything from “a classic Middle Child” to “an Edwardian Jan Brady.” But mostly, she’s just called “Poor Edith.” Lost in the shadow of her older sister, Lady Mary, and outshined by the energetic spirit of her younger (and departed) sister, Lady Sybil, Lady Edith manages to take low self esteem to new depths. 


(Played by Johnny Galecki in “The Big Bang Theory”/2007-19)

To say Leonard had issues with the way he was parented would be an understatement. His neuroscientist/psychiatrist mother once humiliated him by making him give back a ribbon at a science fair. She always conducted tests on him, like sending him on an Easter egg hunt without hiding any eggs just to see how long he would keep looking. His father was an anthropologist who spent more time with 2000-year-old skeletons than with Leonard. To compensate for lack of affection, Leonard built a hugging machine. Instead of celebrating Christmas, he had to write research papers about it that were returned graded in his Christmas stocking. He always got C’s.  



 Coming soon to the blog:
“Middle Child Syndrome? There's an App for That!”
Limited Edition Middle Child Trading Cards 
PLUS more...
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