When you're a Middle Child, it's always the season to feel like you're an afterthought. Middle Child Syndrome doesn't take any time off for the holidays. In fact, being overlooked and forgotten feels even worse during the holiday season. And all the gift giving that goes on only compounds the problem. It just offers so many more opportunities for a Middle Child to feel snubbed and slighted. Like we need any more reasons to feel snubbed and slighted.
You should also know -- like with most things involving a Middle Child -- giving holiday gifts to a Middle Child can be very tricky business. Give us the same thing you bought for our siblings and you could be accused of not caring enough. Give us each something different, and you could just as easily be accused of getting them something better! It’s a no-win situation.
After almost a lifetime of dealing with this dilemma, as both a Middle Child gift giver and Middle Child gift recipient, I’ve come to the realization there is only one solution to this problem: getting something for the Middle Child that no one else would possibly want. Something only a Middle Child would appreciate. But where could one possibly go to find such a gift?
to visit the Smack Dab Holiday Shop!
The Smack Dab Holiday Shop is where you’ll find over 300 Middle Child themed items, featuring apparel, accessories, and limited time only Chanukah and Christmas items, including Christmas ornaments and stockings. No self-respecting first or last born would wanna be caught dead within a mile of this merch! It's the perfect place to find a gift that's right for every Middle Child on your list. That is, if you remembered to put them on your list!
FULL DISCLOSURE: there’s no guarantee that anything you order now will arrive in time for the Holidays, but not to worry -- better belated than never.
Trust me, it beats being forgotten altogether.
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