Thursday, March 21, 2019

Middle Child DOUBLE Jeopardy!

     I’m starting to wonder if Alex Trebek is a Middle Child. (He’s not, by the way.) For the second time in less than six months, there was some Middle Child action on “Jeopardy!” Back in November during the Teen Tournament, we were a mere mention in the “SIBLINGS” category. (WATCH HERE)
     But on March 19 (Season 35/Ep. 137), we graduated to the big leagues -- we got a whole category! And this was a game with real grownups, not a bunch of annoyingly smart teens. The category was “TV’s MIDDLE CHILD,” and if you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ve seen all the answers before. I mean questions. (SPOILER ALERT: Jan Brady was not one of them!) In case you missed it, here’s the only part of the show that mattered:

     Okay, so it wasn’t the most challenging category, but that’s not the point. We’re making progress. First an answer, then a category -- it’s only a matter of time before we get a whole board! Oh wait, we already have.

 CLICK HERE to play.

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