Pinch me. I must be dreaming. The findings
from a new birth order study have generated some surprisingly good news for
Middle Children! As reported in The Guardian, “In
one of the largest studies ever conducted on birth order, family size and
personality, Canadian researchers gathered data from more than 700,000
volunteers and found that on average, middle children scored higher than their
siblings on traits seen as important for cooperation.” Using the HEXACO Personality Inventory, the
study specifically found that Middle Children were found to be more honest, more
humble, and more agreeable than our older and younger siblings.
Finally some proof of how amazing we are. Kinda makes our siblings sound like a
bunch of creeps, no? Okay, maybe I’m getting a little carried
away. I mean, this study is an outlier. I hate
to burst my own bubble, but most studies over the years have concluded that
birth order has a negligible, if any, influence on personality. I should probably calm down and put it
all in perspective…
But wait, there’s even more good news. Another
recent study
has found that first born and only children are more likely to experience anxiety and depression! Okay, maybe that’s not such good news,
especially for first born and only children. But it’s certainly not bad news for
Middle Children, right?
Well, now it sounds like I’m just being
heartless and spiteful. That was not my intention. I’m probably just
reading way too much into all this research. I now realize none of this actually makes
Middle Children the best.
Of course, it certainly doesn’t make us
the worst, either.
I guess it makes us more like somewhere…
in the middle.
See how you measure up! Take the HEXACO Personality Test
Watch a report on these findings from the Australian TV Show “The Project ”
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