The night before Middle Child’s Day (a.k.a. last night), I was featured in a segment on the New Zealand nightly current affairs show “The Project.” I was on the show a few years ago when the threat of Middle Child extinction was all the rage, but the focus of this piece was about my ongoing, relentless, and questionably effective efforts to raise awareness of Middle Child’s Day.
Part of that effort has included reaching out to cities and towns asking for official recognition of Middle Child’s Day, but this time I decided to swing for the fences and made an appeal to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, asking her to issue a proclamation acknowledging August 12th as Middle Child’s Day in New Zealand.
Official recognition from a whole country -- wouldn’t that be something? I mean, who cares that New Zealand is only about the size of Colorado and has roughly as many people as Louisiana? Not me. So what if there are five times more sheep than people. Official recognition would be nothing to sneeze at. Unless, of course, you’re allergic to sheep. But hey, ya gotta start somewhere. And New Zealand is as good a place as any. They've even had to deal with some Middle Child issues of their own in the past, being left off world maps as I wrote about in a previous post. So it seems like a good fit.
Of course, the PM hasn’t responded, and probably won’t. But I’m not going to let that ruin my day. No, today is a day for celebration. Nothing's going to burst my Middle Child’s Day bubble! Until I realize that no one remembers it’s Middle Child’s Day. Well, that was fun while it lasted.
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Middle Children need to be heard!